Diet and Health Understanding Your Weight Desktop Counseling Tool |  Item | : | 9781587799266 | Size | : | 10" W x 12" H (25.4 x 30.5 cm) | Pages | : | 30 | Cover | : | Spiralbound Flipbook | Rx Pads | : | 2 x 50 sheets | Health professional counseling plays a key role in addressing the obesity epidemic. This easy-to-use and flexible tool is designed to help health professionals bring up and discuss the sensitive subject of excess weight with their adult patients.
Developed with a leading expert in the field, this award-winning flipbook systematizes the obesity counseling techniques developed by Dr. Robert Kushner of Northwestern Memorial Hospital's Wellness Center. See sample pages.
Also included are two 50-sheet "prescription" tear off pads to aid diet and physical activity tracking and advice. The sheets reiterate or add on to what you've discussed with your patients.
How to Use this Tool
We have compiled 10 topics in a step-by-step but flexible process to aid counseling with simple visual and textual information facing the patient and "educator tips" on the side facing the physician/counselor.
The tool was designed to be used throughout the counseling process, so you can use 1 section during a visit or go through the whole book, depending on the needs of your patient and the time you have to spend with them.
How one customer, Registered Dietitian, a uses this tool: She leaves the flipbook sitting out, with the Weight Gain is Caused by Energy Imbalance page displayed. Interested patients have asked questions and made comments. The RD picks and chooses which parts of the book to use, depending on the patient needs. She says, “It works well and the professional information is very useful.”
Table of Contents for Understanding Your Weight Flipbook:
- You and Your Weight
- How to Measure Your Risk
- Health Risks of Excess Body Weight
- Assessing Readiness to Change
- Weight Gain is Caused by Energy Imbalance
- Recommended Weight Loss Goal
- Understanding Weight Loss
- Excess Weight Treatment Options
- Your Diet Action Plan
- Your Physical Activity Action Plan
- Educator Resource Page
'2006 National Health Information Awards Winner' |
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