Female Anatomy Common Gynecological Disorders Anatomical Chart | Price: $9.95
Price: $17.95
 Unmounted Chart | : | 9780781773508 | Flexible Laminate | : | 9780781773515 | Size | : | 20" W x 26" H (51 x 66 cm) | Organized by main presenting symptom, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge and regional pain, this chart covers the most common gynecological disorders. Designed as tool to help doctors, NPs, and nurses explain common gynecological diseases to patients, each topic has a simple, brief textual explanation and an image.
The chart defines normal and abnormal menstrual cycles and illustrates female reproductive anatomy. Grouped by main symptom, the disorders covered include:
- Fibroids
- Polyps
- Cervical lesions
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Von Willebrand's Disease
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Vaginal and uterine atrophy
- Eating disorders and extreme exercise
- Medications
- Hormonal imbalances
- Asherman's syndrome
- Prolactinoma
- Ovarian cysts
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and pelvic adhesions
- Endometriosis
- Adenomyosis
- Candidiasis (yeast infection)
- Bacterial vaginitis
- Trichomoniasis vaginitis
- Chlamydia and gonorrhea
Optional display stands available for laminate and plastic charts only. See Chart Mounting Information. |
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