Nervous System Understanding Diabetic Neuropathy Anatomical Chart | Price: $9.95
Price: $17.95
 Unmounted Chart | : | 9780781782401 | Flexible Laminate | : | 9780781782418 | Size | : | 20" W x 26" H (51 x 66 cm) | This chart provides a visual and textual overview of diabetic neuropathy, which can affect approximately 50% of people with diabetes. Defines the two main subgroups of diabetic neuropathy – sensorimotor and autonomic – and illustrates the organs affected by the disease. Also provides definitions of the 3 types of sensorimotor neuropathy: peripheral (the most common), proximal and focal.
Discusses signs and symptoms, risk factors (broken out by modifiable and non-modifiable), screening and diagnosis. Provides illustrative comparison between a healthy nerve, a damaged nerve and a damaged nerve (with blood vessels) due to high glucose levels. Lists prevention and management techniques with an emphasis on foot care.
Optional display stands available for laminate and plastic charts only. See Chart Mounting Information. |
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