Other Anatomical Structures Understanding Type 2 Diabetes in Spanish Anatomical Chart | Price: $9.95
Price: $17.95
 Unmounted Chart | : | 9781587799570 | Flexible Laminate | : | 9781587799587 | Size | : | 20" W x 26" H (51 x 66 cm) | Now in Spanish! Defines type 2 diabetes and role of glucose and insulin in the body. Lists symptoms, risk factors and ways to control the disease. This chart (Comprendiendo la diabetes tipo 2) shows glucose molecules from the digestive system and insulin molecules from the pancreas traveling in a blood vessel. Visually compares a normal body cell to a body cell with diabetes, illustrating when the cell develops a resistance to insulin, making it more difficult for glucose to enter the cell, ultimately leading to build up of glucose in the blood vessel.
Textually and visually presents complications from the disease: Heart disease, stroke, vascular disease, nerve damage (neuropathy), kidney disease (nephropathy), periodontal disease (gum disease and mouth infection), and eye disease such as glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy.
Optional display stands available for laminated and plastic charts only. See Chart Mounting Information. |
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