Respiratory System Understanding Asthma in Spanish Anatomical Chart | Price: $9.95
Price: $17.95
 Unmounted Chart | : | 9781587799433 | Flexible Laminate | : | 9781587799440 | Size | : | 20" W x 26" H (51 x 66 cm) | Now in Spanish, this popular chart (Comprendiendo el asma) defines asthma and discusses possible causes. Illustrates and describes what happens during as asthma attack and contrasts an affected bronchiole with a healthy bronchiole. Shows and describes how the lungs work. Provides a chart “Monitoring Your Asthma by Zone” which matches various degrees of asthma symptoms with appropriate actions. Symptoms for adults and children are listed. Also provides common triggers and information on monitoring and managing asthma.
Optional display stands available for laminate and plastic charts only. See Chart Mounting Information. |
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