From the creator of, here are other content rich websites for your use and enjoyment. (Exercise Prescription on the Net) | is a 2000+ page resource for the exercise professional, coach, or fitness enthusiast. offers a comprehensive exercise and kinesiology reference featuring over 900 animated exercises and 47 illustrated muscles; cross-referenced by joint articulation and muscle group. This site can assist in the development of customized exercise programs. Pages can be distributed for individualized exercise prescription. Includes over 40 fitness calculators, exercise instruction, weight training, aerobic conditioning, kinesiology, weight management, diet and nutrition, exercise and sports psychology, fitness testing, adaptation and safety, ergogenic aids, bodybuilding, and sports conditioning. |
| Book, Video, and Software Store | Nearly 1000 books, videos and software available for the exercise professional. Most videos are produced in cooperation with ACSM, NSCA, or ACE. Software offerings feature exercise clip art collections on CD-ROM for the strength and conditioning coach or personal trainer. Also available is VHI PC Kits, a specialized exercise prescription software for the licensed therapist. Store |
| (Travel and Leisure) | is a travel and leisure website. It features lifestyle and travels aboard cruise ships as well as food vacations and restaurant reviews. You'll find an illustrated overview to the ports of call including the Caribbean, Mexican Riviera, Panama Canal, Alaska, Europe, and India, as well as numerous images of other cities. Enjoy! |
| | Bully is a fun and challenging 2 player card game involving concentration, skill, and luck. If you like games like Stratego, Risk, and Chess you'll love Bully! Two decks of standard playing cards are placed on a checkered grid and played against one another in bouts. Low cards are removed from the grid as challenges are made. High card may 'bully' your opponent's neighboring cards or can be relocated in attempt to defend your own cards or set a trap. The last player with playable cards on the grid wins! There's more strategy and surprises involved than you may think. |